Home / Blog / Find bargains for just £1 this weekend with huge sale of furniture, kids toys and more

Find bargains for just £1 this weekend with huge sale of furniture, kids toys and more

May 24, 2023May 24, 2023

Thu 8 Jun 2023 @ 5:46pm - Things to doRachel Rogers

Bag yourself a bargain this weekend as The Recycle Project hold their biggest sale yet – with thousands of items up for grabs for just £1.

Yes, you read that right.

There’ll be household items like furniture as well as kids toys, sports equipment, tools and even things like musical instruments – these are just some of the treasures that you might find.

The £1 sale will take place at The Recycle Project in Yorvale Business Park, York on Saturday 10 June from 9am to 12pm. Then, anything left over will be free from 3pm to 5pm.

It's first come first served – so you might want to be quick.

Tea and coffee and bacon and sausage sandwiches will also be available for £3.

The Recycle Project is an initiative that aims to reduce the amount of goods that go to landfill by recycling and recovering as many goods as possible and offering them back to the community.

They save over 20 tonnes of household waste every month across North Yorkshire.

The project also offers free and payable workshops and have included furniture upcycling, woodwork construction, repair and maintenance.

To find out more about The Recycle Project visit their website.

Don't miss your chance to find some great bargains!

Thu 8 Jun, 2023

Saturday 10 June